Theresa J Leach
visual artist & designer

Theresa Leach is both a Visual Artist and Graphic Designer spanning over 40 years. Theresa was born December 1956, in Adelaide, South Australia and currently lives at Payneham. Theresa initially studied to be an Art Teacher, after leaving school in 1974, but after switching her studies to Commercial Art, in 1979, she began her working career as a Graphic Designer. During this time, Theresa entered two exhibitions as part of her studies winning a prize in each one. The following year, Theresa established herself as a Graphic Designer, within the advertising industry and later worked for newspaper companies; educational institutions; health organisations such as Diabetes South Australia and Flinders Aboriginal Health Research Unit at Flinders University.
Projects Theresa is currently working on are Ebru marbling and designing publications for Residential Aged Care. Exhibitions have included a photographic digital image titled ‘Check Out the Scenery’ being entered into the Port Adelaide Art Show; Victor Harbor Art Show and Goolwa Art & Photographic Exhibition.
Currently Theresa is setting up her new Ebru style paper and fabric marbling studio, at Hindmarsh Island, on the Fleurieu Peninsula, in South Australia. Theresa is embarking upon tutoring in this craft consequently leading up to studying, in 2019, for the Master of Art at the University of South Australia.
2018 New business 'brandesigns" launch.
2018 Bachelor of Visual Arts graduation.
2016 Creative Photography: 'Check Out the Scenery' submitted to Goolwa Art & Photographic Show.
2016 Painting: 'Check Out the Scenery' submitted to Victor Harbor Art Show.
2015 University of South Australia Bachelor of Visual Arts Merit Award.
2015 Painting: 'Check Out the Scenery' submitted to Port Art Show.
2014 Painting: 'Urban Origins' submitted to UniSA ‘Atmosphere, Atmosphere.’ exhibition.
2014 University of South Australia Bachelor of Visual Arts Merit Award.
2013 University of South Australia Bachelor of Visual Arts Golden Key International Honour Society Award.
2008 Graphic Designer for ‘CCRE Achievements and Milestones in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health’, launched by Senator Hill, at Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia.
2006 Designed the current Corporate Identity for Diabetes SA.
1992 High Achievement Award Associate Diploma of Arts (Graphic Design) UniSA. 1992 Associate Diploma of Arts (Graphic Design) University of South Australia. 1980 Commercial Art Certificate (Graphic Design & Advertising) Croydon Institute of TAFE.
1979 Salvation Army Art Competition Second Prize. 1979 Alliance Francoise Art Competition First Prize.